Come see South East Wisconsin Miniature Equine Club at Midwest Horse Fair on April 19th through April 21st, 2024 at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wisconsin.
Below are the horse participating in Midwest Horse Fair 2024 Come meet them!
Bruce Wayne
Here are the rules to be followed to be considered to participate in Midwest Horse Fair: 1. You need to be a current member of SEWMEC (this means memberships needs to also be paid for the Midwest Horse Fair year) and stay a member in good standing. 2. You need to follow directions from the Midwest Horse Fair coordinator. 3. Work with the other members to promote the miniature horse breed. 4. You will be required to be on the Midwest Horse Fair Committee and help with the planning of this event. 5. You are required to participate in one club event from the prior calendar year.
Below are the rules after you are selected: 1. Communicate back and forth with the Midwest Horse Fair coordinator in a timely manner. 2. Pay your stall fees by January 10th to the coordinator. Pay for your part of the tack stall and/or privacy panel for your stall (if desired) also by January 10th. 3. Arrive by noon on Thursday before Midwest and stay until 5 pm on Sunday. 4. You will be responsible to be at both practice times on Thursday (unless arrangements have been made ahead of time with the coordinator). 5. You will be responsible to participate with your horse in both demos (one in the Coliseum and one in Pavilion #2). 6. All horses are to be show clipped. 7. When participating in the demo you must either be in show attire that matches what you are demonstrating with your horse or in club apparel (this means our royal blue with club logo). 8. You must help set up the club booth and decorations on Thursday and take down on Sunday after 5 pm. 9. You will need to decorate your stall in a way the committee has agreed upon, so we look as an unified club. 10. Work a minimum of 3 hours in the club booth over the three days. (There will be a signup sheet.) 11. Must be responsible for keeping our area clean and neat. That includes the isle way in front of all the stalls, your own horse's stall, tack stalls, our hanging out stall, and the club booth. 12. All stalls will be kept the same, no changing of stall fronts. 13. Coggins are required and if you are coming from out of state, a health certificate will be needed. 14. There will be no selling of anything in our assigned area. Midwest charges a selling fee if you are found to be a seller. This fee will be passed on to the violator.
*these are subjected to change, based on Midwest Horse Fair’s and/or our clubs’ needs*